Paint. And Lots Of It.

For the past 5 weekends I've worn the same outfit.  I should have taken a before and after photo of my paint splattered outfit.  I'm happy to report that the inside is fully painted and looks great!  I haven't gotten any good photos of the painted walls yet but I assure you - they look beautiful and I'm so grateful for the help!!

Photo Shop

I recently borrowed a bunch of family photos.  Well I borrowed them quite awhile ago but I recently took the time, late one night, to scan them.   I've printed copies for my mom's cousins and it occurred to me that this could be a service that other families might enjoy. 

Old photographs scan beautifully and those black and whites have really stood the test of time.  In our digital age we can take photographs whenever we want and they are preserved (for the time being) on various technologies.  What the future hold, who knows.  Still, many of us have shoe boxes full of memories. 

A lot of time a treasured photo is damaged.  The photo below is of my Grandpa William "Willy" Miller with his military buddies during WWII.  It's rather beat up and while it's not a photo I really want to clean up and display - it's a perfect photo to demonstrate how I could improve a special photo for someone.

Then and Now

This building has helped us make new friends, specifically with people who once lived at 55 North Main.  Mom borrowed these photos from her new friend.  Not sure when they were taken but it's fun to see the similarities as well as the differences.  { Click on the photos to get a better look.}

Looking at that first one I can almost smell the sauerkraut that was probably on the stove as that little guy waits on the stoop for dinner.  It's likely he spoke english but I'll bet he had a grandparent still speaking German.  His family probably walked that sidewalk each Sunday, to beautiful St. Augustine, as many still do.  As I might from time to time.

These sort of photos make me proud.  I'm glad his home still stands.  From the beginning I'm sure it was a quaint, modest, little place. Obviously built with careful labor.  With the hard work of our crew, dignity has been restored to it.  How I wish the walls could talk.  (Wait. Never mind.  I really don't want to be working late, all by myself, and hear voices.) 

For sure these photos will find their way into frames and be displayed in the store.  Anyone else have some old photos they would like to share?  I'd love to see them and hear your story.


After the store is open and running I want to start highlighting the various jobs I do for people.  From a surprise tailgate at "the Shoe" to a bubbly outdoor wedding in Arizona or an elegant bridal shower in Missouri.  Not to mention all the fun events that happen locally to me.  For instance the Duck Dynasty shower that is happening soon.  I can't WAIT to get the report back on that particular event.  

I  have so many brides (and grooms) come to me already armed with great ideas and expressive creativity.  I help them out, they have the party and life goes on.  I often don't have time to follow up and see how it all came together on the big day but I want to change that.  I want to start sharing those special details so it might inspire others.  In the meantime here's some quick pics of recent work.   

Primed and Ready to Go!

What a perfect weekend for painting!  This weekend was tinted primer.  Next weekend is real paint.  The final paint will be slightly darker than the primer and have a slight sheen to it.  After that we decide on accent colors for the door and other decorative elements.  

Special thanks to Mom - who washed paint brushes and kept us fueled with cookies.  More thanks to Dad - who used his fabulous paint sprayer that made the job easier.  Most of all, thanks to my husband Adam who has been working days in construction, evenings at the store and kept going through the long weekend with zero complaints.

Thanks too for the friends and strangers who stopped in to say hi.  We appreciate the support.  It's amazing how much foot traffic passes this place.  We're blessed with this awesome location and can't wait to be open! 

50 Shades of Grey

My experience with "Fifty Shades of Grey" does not involve steamy reading material.  My fifty shades includes agonizing over multiple paint chips and several swatch books of color.  I told the lady at True Value that picking the color was like naming a baby.  I wanted the color to be perfect for the building much like a parent wants a name to suit their child.  It was difficult but a decision has been made and 55 North Main Street will soon be . . . . Antique Grey!  Not gonna lie.  I'm nervous.  The shade will be very different from what everyone is used to.  But it's a versatile color that will look really nice with white trim and fun color embellishments.


Now for a few "Friday Finds".  Here's one I'm super excited about.  Picked this gal up. She was hanging out behind Bollys Restaurant just down the street.  The "free" sign was all the invitation I needed to pull over and load her up.  She's a little rough around the edges but a pinterest inspired makeover is in her future.  Until then this charming piece of furniture will be crammed into my current office.  I was just telling someone (hey there Elaine!) that I don't have much moohlah to purchase all new furnishings.  Luckily I'm a rustic sort and "rustic" often means "no one else wants this junk so it's free."  I also picked up a mirror and a chair which I may pass on to someone else.

Happy Labor Day!

What can I say, it's been a fast summer.  I need to thank my clients for their patience. This year has been a bumpy ride and I've been doing my best to give 100%.  Still I know I've dropped the ball here and there.  I make things right but I'm mostly so, so very LUCKY to have the clients I have. They been cutting me slack and cheering me along.  

This season has been my busiest yet and while I'm not physically doing much work at 55 North Main, I'm consumed wit ideas, plans, decisions and discussions.  The old me would DREAD this sort of change.  And some days I do wish that I could just garden for a living or work at an antique store that someone else is responsible for.  But this week in particular I'm starting to feel excitement. Now, if I could just commit to a few paint colors . . . 

Paint Removal

Here and there Mom has been scraping the loose paint from the exterior.  I tried it on Sunday, using a large toothbrush looking wire brush to do the job.  Hard work.  Luckily Adam is able to handle it.  Plus he doesn't mind using the ladder. 

na na na na Batman!

I forgot how much I enjoy updating the blog.  Here we go - two days in a row!  

As the month ends I realize that it's been a full year since we started working on this building.  Wow, it's been a fast year.  I pause to think of the sacrifices that Adam, Dad and Adam's Dad have made to help me with this big step.  We've had help from other family and friends at different times but the aforementioned guys have been amazing.  

They've worked by gas heat in the coldest months and they've sweated gallons in the hottest ones.  The Dads have climbed ladders they shouldn't have climbed, lifted things that should have waited, and God only knows how my dad hung some of those sheets of drywall by himself. Their pay?  A passing "thank you".  A pizza or beer here and there.  For Fathers Day I gave Dad a roll of Life Savers candy.  He knows that these days my money is tied up and I can't afford to get him anything good or that would even come close to thanking him for all his help.  But he's certainly been an anchor and a "life saver" to Adam and I.  Even if I don't express it everyday I'm always thankful for these guys!

Back by Popular Demand

May turned into June, July is here and almost gone.  Soon it will be August and I've yet to update on the leaps and bounds of 55 North Main.  I've had a few requests so I made time today to sneak a peek.

May Randomness

“We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work” 
                                                                                               ― Thomas A. Edison

Memories - Past and Present

Shopping the Thursday Garage Sales was great.  Beautiful sunny morning.  Friday, on the other hand, not so sunny. ​Still I managed to spend a few hours with friends and score a few treasures.

Garage sales always remind me of my Grandma Miller - a woman who enjoyed shopping and valued a sale in any store.  I don't recall ever attending a sale with her but she hosted many.  She lived in the sleep little town of Osgood and I was usually allowed to run around the block (sometimes with cousins) looking at what the other houses had.  After exploring, I'd run inside and get a drink of her unique well water.  It would be hot outside but her kitchen always seemed to be cool thanks to the giant shade tree.  Her garage sale lunch always seemed to feature bright red strawberries and her good cookies.  Most of my memories of my Grandma Miller involve her kitchen.

​The first photo below shows the set of glasses that reminds me of Grandma.  Next is a flower press (with bonus, pressed pansies in between the sheets of cardboard).  My major score was three brand new packages of magnetic curtain rods for $2.00 each.  I actually NEEDED these and would have purchased them for $10ish in the store.  So I was pretty happy about that.  At St. Pauls garage sale I purchased a steel lock box for $0.50 (it even included the key) and somewhere else I bought the broach for $0.25.  Finally a shot of my fresh cut flowers in a glass from Thursdays shopping (psst, the "vase" only cost $0.05)

​I was sad to miss Saturdays sales but was very happy to attend the bridal shower of my husbands-cousins-finacee, named Cristina.  What a beautiful shower!  Her gracious family hosted us at the lovely Lindey's Restaurant in the German Village section of Columbus.  We enjoyed a delicious champagne brunch and played the cutest game.  We all got little bride and groom clothespins that we attached to our shirts.  If we saw anyone crossing their legs we were allowed to take their pin.  The person with the most at the end of the shower was the winner.  I worked hard to keep mine because it was so cute.  They were made by a friend of Cristina's family in Laredo, Texas, Martha Parker.  Martha and her assistant Olga hand-painted them.  (see photo below)

​The first photo is a shot of the bride Cristina (second from the right) with her soon-to-be "new" sister-in-laws.  The last photo is of me with my "old" sister-in-laws. (a big haha to  Annette and Dianne - though technically Dianne is much younger so I shouldn't joke).

Finally my latest news regarding the store - we have a new back door!​  Plus I took a few more updates photos of the outside. (since the sun is actually shining today)

Garage Sale Time

If the New Bremen Garage Sales sold beer I'd consider it a town festival.  I don't generally go to garage sales the rest of the year.  I prefer thrift stores or antique malls. But the town garage sale is a great time to get out, see people and buy their junk.  This year, like last year, I am on a mission to find unique things to use to decorate the store. Some of the stuff I purchased last year is still in storage.  It's going to be like Christmas when I start unpacking.

​Day 1  (and $31 dollars later)

The Eyes of the World

Recently the village of Minster put out their newsletter with a gentle reminder to folks to keep their property looking nice.  This typically isn't a problem in our lovely little towns but there are always exceptions, hence the gentle reminder.

​I cringed a little, hoping that no one reports or complains about our property.  After all the building is located right along Route 66 and is plenty visable.  Believe me - I KNOW it looks bad.  However, the brand new windows look fabulous!!  Hopefully anyone who might be irritated with our eyesore can be patient just a little longer.  Paint chip samples reside in my purse, desk and online pinterest board.  Decision are being made and when the weather breaks we'll hopefully be jumping on the paint project and replacing the doors.  The door that already has the stoop with be the main entrance (with a new and improved stoop) and the other door will be converted into something clean and decorative.

​The particular window featured below is the last one replaced.  It's larger than the rest because it used to be a display window for the cobbler that once did business here (once upon a time anyway).  That corner of the building that seems to be sagging so this window is tilted and looks like a quizzical eyebrow being raised.  Dad had a heck of a time dealing with these guys but I know they are now "perfect" and straight.  "We" will be trimming them out and painting a clean white.  The sash (probably not the right word but oh well) above and below will be painted the shade of the building to blend them in better.  Then later window boxes will appear along with other nice decorative elements.  

I know it will be worth the wait.

Easter Recap

​Susie, Annette and Miss Mya

​Susie, Annette and Miss Mya

The front of the building facing Route 66.  Still needs to be trimmed out.​

The front of the building facing Route 66.  Still needs to be trimmed out.​

The Easter egg garland was a hit - mostly with the "older" girls.  Meaning my sister-in-laws.  We had fun chit chatting and crafting paper eggs long after the kids bored of the craft.​

​As for my recipes. I made a loaded baked potato salad which was a disappointment. I think I put too much potato and not enough "stuff".  I served it cold and wasn't impressed.  I've been eating the leftovers.  Even heated it's nothing to write home about.

Now the Bacon Pops were another story.  I had my doubts but I figured with the main ingredients being bacon and cream cheese it couldn't be too bad.​

The recipe also called for goats cheese which I'd never tried before and I found it added a perfect tang to the dish.​

Bacon Pops 

Now for a store update

Dad's been busy replacing window.  Beautiful clean, non-paint gunked windows.  Two windows are left and them we're on to the doors!.

A few new invites

​In a bind for time?  I can mail the invites for you.

​In a bind for time?  I can mail the invites for you.

Front of the envelope, Addressed with a little scalloped and hand graphic.​

Front of the envelope, Addressed with a little scalloped and hand graphic.​


Easter Fun!!

photo-13 copy.JPG

Easter will be celebrated Pinterest-style.  After worship comes family time, crafting and food.  The little gals in Adams family will be making easter egg garland.  They are always so cute. The older girls always ask, "how many are we allowed to make."  Then they race to make as many as possible.  The little girls take their time.  The boys sometimes participate and sometimes not.  (well, except for the one who NEVER does - one day he will shock me and grab a scissors.)​

As for food, I will be bringing bacon pops to the Suchlands and a Loaded Bake Potato Salad to the Millers (mom's side).  Fingers crossed.  If the food turns out I'll post the recipes.​

​Happy Easter To All!

Got a New Look

40fash102 - Blue Dress.jpg

​I'm getting myself ​Spiffed up for Spring!

Check out the new website

The whole thing is still a work in progress.  I plan to include a lot more information in the coming weeks.  But I'm so happy to finally be able to easily upload photos.  Especially for the brides who really need to see examples to decide if they want to book an appointment.  I knew that was badly needed.

Most exciting of all - I can now have a shopping cart!  That portion is still not ready but I think it will be a wonderful addition when available.

Happy Easter to All!!


This photo pretty much sums up why I need a bigger office.  This was taken at 4:00 on a busy Thursday afternoon.

Have I mentioned that we haven't eaten at our dining room table since October?  I can't wait to have a "back room" to hide this craziness.

As for 55 North Main, lots of things have been happening.  We've had crazy shopping sprees, dropping money on windows, insulation and wiring.  Adam and Mike have been working on wiring.  I've been working on figuring out where outlets are supposed to go (not fun).  Dad has been working on the archway, tinkering in masonry and probably doing all sorts of other things I haven't noticed.

The photo below shows Adam (looking cute) standing in front of the old door frame.  They removed the wood frame, took out some bricks and put in a new brace for the top of the door.  You'll notice the wet bricks that reach the ceiling.  This used to be a hole and since I really wanted to keep an exposed brick wall "we" had to do something with it.  Dad did an excellent job of filling in the hole.  When it dries and is cleaned up no one would ever know.

The months keep flying by faster and faster!  I hope to have a revamped website soon as well as several new invitation lines.  Can't wait for spring.


Smart Phones Rule! Now . . . what to do with those old watches

Having a phone in my purse means I always know the time, even if I do not wear a watch.  In fact I never bothered to replace the battery of the last watch I used.  A photo on pinterest inspired me to do a little crafting.

I visited my favorite thrift store (Link to Agape in St. Marys, Ohio) and purchased an old watch (only $1.00)

I popped of the back and took out the guts of the old gal.  I cleaned her up real good.  Thrift store watches tend to have dirt everywhere so I used an old toothbrush.

Then I sized a favorite photo of my hubby and I and printed it out on regular old paper.  This one was taken 10 (yes, TEN) years ago.

I inserted the photo into the glass, stuffed a little cotton behind it to keep it in place.  The back was snapped into place and BAM - sappy, romantic bracelet.

You could put wedding photos, antique photos of grandparents (a copy - not an original please), baby photos, a current family photo or just a photo that makes you smile.  The watch above was sort of large.  I bought a few extra watches that are a bit more dainty and I'll probably put something more vintage-y in them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . Cheap Wedding Decor at AGAPE . . . . . . . . . . . . 

I just love shopping at thrift stores.  I'm not afraid of things that are stuffed into a corner or have a little dirt.  If you aren't scared either you could find great things at a thrift store - especially with the trend right now of rustic chic decor.  

The Agape in St. Marys (1220 East Spring Street) had tons of little glass compote dishes - which I thought would be perfect for multiple centerpieces.  ($0.59 each).  They also had TONS of vases, glass dishes, sheer curtains, vintage books, ribbon.  I so wish I could redo my wedding reception right now.

I meet so many brides who are creative and love pinterest inspired ideas.  If anyone is looking to save a little moolah on decor I'd suggest a visit to pinterest followed by a visit to a thrift store.  Soap and water and maybe a bit of paint can turn $50.00 worth of "crap" into something beautiful.  I didn't ask but I bet you could even check with the saleperson to see if they can cut you a deal.  After all, they receive constant donations and need to move merchandise or they would overflow.

Aside from the money saving aspect, you can feel great about shopping at places like Agape.  All the money that isn't spent on operating costs goes right into the food pantry or in some way assists people in need.  You are recycling materials, giving new life to unloved items and helping the community.  Plus, when you are finished you have the option to donate it all back and repeat the cycle.  

DIY isn't for everyone.  But if you have the vision and want to save money, find a crafty friend and start looking!!

Happy Shopping!!

Putting up Walls

Yeah, I did it.  I put up a wall.  Okay, maybe I was only conveniently there at the right time and maybe I really only "helped" (i.e. touched the wall) as Dad and Mikey put it into place - but still.

The Dads and Adam have been working each night to frame out these walls.  I'm told things will go faster at this point and I'll be surprised at how quickly things will take shape. 

Even though walls are going up we plan to keep a wall of exposed brick.  Adam has been cleaning the wall little by little.  Unfortunately the only wall we wanted to keep exposed also had a hole it in.  We have plenty of bricks to fill it in.  Below that hole is a small door frame that will have to be enlarged to a normal size so who knows how "we" will deal with it.  It may end up being too awkward to keep exposed but I'm hopeful the guys will try to keep it.  

While the guys have been working hard I've been going through the motions of engagement season!  I tried out a new booth display at the WSCM Bridal Show and was pleased with how it looked.

This past weekend I visited the "$1.00 a Bag" Book Sale at the Minster Library.  I scored 32 books for $2.00! (you can't beat a $0.0625 cost per book)  True a few of them were childrens books that may or may not be a hit with the kids.  A few were old books that I just liked the way they looked and plan to use them as decoration in the store.  But I have a large stack that looks like promising reading material.  Also included in the mix was a 5-inch thick Webster Dictionary.  

While I hate the thought of dystroying books I know these circa 1964 pages will lend nicely to a few pinterest projects I have my eye on.  Let's face it.  Not too many people would buy this book for it's intended purpose So this book will get a new lease on life and provide entertainment for myself and other crafters.

Have a great week!  Can't believe Lent will begin on Wednesday.  
What happened to January???